Haldor Topsoe Chromic Acid Containment

Project: Chromic Acid Containment Area

Owner: Haldor Topsoe, Inc.
Pasadena, Texas

System: Koch Corrosion Control
“Elasti-Liner I & II”

Area: 400 Square Feet

Completed: June, 2001

Chromic Acid was deteriorating the concrete containment area in a process area of Haldor Topsoe’s Pasadena, Texas facility. General Petrochemical Industrial, Inc., a General Contractor working in the plant at the time, engaged Mobile Enterprises, Inc. to line the area.

Prior to lining, the floor of the area was sloped to the drain with Master Builder’s T-430. After the T-430 cured (12 hours), Mobile crews abrasive blasted the surface and installed Koch Corrosion Control primer, a base coat of Koch Corrosion Control Elasti-Liner I and a top coat of Koch Corrosion Control Elasti-Liner II. Both coats were installed at a nominal 40 mil thickness.

The area was returned to service on schedule.